Wednesday, June 6, 2012

A L Etter's Resume

Amanda Etter
Ellensburg, Washington, (360) 870-0132,
2013 BFA Studio Art, Central Washington University
2012-2013 Studying abroad: University of Tasmania, School of Visual and Preforming Arts, Launceston, Tasmania
2010 AA, South Puget Sound Community College
Solo Exhibitions:
2012 Central Washington University Art Office
            “Jackson P(aper)ollock”
Group Exhibitions:
2012 Central Washington University’s Student Auction
            “Cuttlefish” Wire sculpture
2009 South Puget Sound Community College Art Show
            Various drawings, including several self-portraits
2008 South Puget Sound Community College Ceramic Display
            “Vegetable Goblet”
2012 Joan cawley-Crane, Ellensburg, Washington
            “Cuttlefish” Wire sculpture
2010-2011 Student Art Collective member at Central Washington University

A L Etter's Revised Artist Statement

Creating things with my hands has always been an aspiration of mine. I decided a few years ago that it was a craving that was not fleeting; against all of my family’s wishes I would obtain a degree in the arts. I attended South Puget Sound Community College from the ages of 16 to 19; I finished my Associates degree at the age of 18, and spent the next year in the arts exploring different mediums and gaining experience before I attended Central Washington University.  Though my work has contained many different styles and subjects, I have slowly been working towards strictly nature-influenced work.
As a child I was always interested in learning about the things around me. I spent more time alone exploring the world and observing as much as I could. I preferred to watch things like the Discovery Channel and read my dad’s National Geographic than playing with other girls my age.  Before I was able to read, I would find all the nature books I could and look at the pictures for hours.
My work ranges from portrayals of landscapes to close examinations of plants, animals, and people. I especially enjoy creating works of art containing various marine organisms. I tend to portray lesser-known animals. I aspire to become a scientific illustrator when I am all said and done with school, focusing oceanic fauna. By using my knowledge of these animals, I am able to recreate them, whether it is in metals, drawing, painting, or sculpture and put them in the public’s view. My goal is to educate people, to give them a chance to see and learn something new; to at least glimpse some of the things that keep me in awe, even if it is my artwork and not the actual creature.  
I am opening up a new chapter in my life by studying abroad for a year in Tasmania, Australia. I will be taking mostly art classes and will come back with all the credits I need to graduate. I was informed that I will be the only American student going to University of Tasmania's Launceston's campus at the School of Visual and Preforming arts. I plan to also spend as much time as I can in and around the ocean to further gather inspiration for my art and future career choice.

Friday, June 1, 2012


                              LAWRENCE PACULAN

Central Washington University, Ellensburg, WA. 2007-2012
BFA Studio Art, Drawing and Painting, Ceramics, Sculpture
Minor: Applied Computer Science

- CWU Annual Juried Student Art Show, Sarah Spurgeon Gallery Student Artist 2012

Ceramic work "Pass-Away Compass" accepted in Juried Art Show.

- Eveleth Green Gallery: CWU Art Department Ceramics, curated by CWU ceramics professor, Stephen Robison, MAR  2 - APR 2   2012.

Ceramic Works "Pass-Away Compass" and "Seed" entered as part of the CWU Department of Art Ceramics show.

Acrylic Painting Conceptual Commercial Illustration, Ceramic Hand-Building (Figurative Work), Oil Painting (Surreal and Figurative) and Drawing (Surreal, Ink and Charcoal), Metal Welding, Bronze & Slip Casting.

Assisted in gallery setup for Sarah Spurgeon Gallery, MFA Thesis Exhibition: Ricardo Farias.
2012, MAY.
